Patrik Mariën - Professional Triber


Structured and creative thinking

Visual modeling of the context of a situation and the work done to realize the desired situations is an indispensable skill for generating innovative ideas for development.

Visual models allow professionals and non-professionals to have a common understanding, which leads to effective communication.

These Models are controlled records of iterations of conceived, researched and created situations, which can speed up qualitative development. 

Define supportive work frameworks

Design situations can be complex. Using a mental model to explore design situations helps to understand how solution research evolves and how it is communicated, coordinated and documented in a collaborative way.

Shared mental models are important for tasks that require highly coordinated actions. Especially in working conditions where communication is difficult and the pressure of work and time is high.

Key is to define core frameworks that are simple strong and can be quickly adapted to the context as well as to online and offline formats.

Organize communication

The professional connects with (is part of) an organization by aligning the work that is being realized with the direction that the organization takes.

However,  the own professional work framework is important in order to be able to realize projects properly. The point is to put you in the driver’s seat when involving others in a creation process.

Taking the initiative to organize communication is the key to continuous development in a smooth flow and stop nonsense.
