projecttable core teams claim the project

You need ‘ProjectTable-core teams’ that manage autonomously for product/service and system development.

Leaders/managers who bother professionals with irrelevant involvements, who demand time for useless meetings and mandatory reports, make professional (learning)work impossible for employees, which leads to great frustration. In that unhealthy work environment, people are discouraged and driven apart instead of bringing them together in a defined space for the development of new products/services to keep the company healthy. The challenge is to create space that allows involvement, autonomy and competence development for employees.

Innovate in your company, form ProjectTable-core teams and let go of control.
projecttable core teams claim the project
connecting the right people to the project and a defined workspace, allowing them to work at their best

As a CEO or manager, you must be able to present a brief sketch of the situation requiring a solution as a project assignment, bring employees together to communicate the importance of a solution and inspire them to participate in a project.
Then allow individual employees to claim the project by choosing an expert role in a defined workspace, they form a core team of people who ‘really want’ to make the project. Give the ‘GO’ to the formed core team and let go of all control.
As CEO/manager you definitely have the task of supporting the project by participating in the network.

A ProjectTable-core team consists of two to four people, who are responsible for one or more of four defined expert roles. The quality of the expert is more the intention to get things done than a position/job title, even employees with less experience can claim an expert role. Experts can commit themselves to different projects while they themselves decide when and in which project they participate, they consider whether or not they care enough about those projects to be involved with them.

projecttable core teams at work
the core team makes the project supported by physical/virtual workspace
Visualize the workspace with the associated management tools.

It is necessary to be able to work in both physical and virtual conditions and to use visual anchors for a defined workspace with the following characteristics:
> the current situation drawing is on the table (with each new conversation)
> a reference that ensures four core areas of expertise are discussed, and that the customer and related projects receive attention
> associated management tools: [goal and expectation] [strategy and work plan] [system map and working model]. The models are a reference for discussing progress/impact and the impact on time in case of changing questions.

Projects are driven by small autonomous teams that:
> ensuring effective communication to quickly collaborate constructively with customers and stakeholders
> determine how they apply the management tools
> determine how and with whom they work best (together)
> direct/manage the network

The core team members interact with the visual workspace (physical or remote):
> at fixed moments to: give a place to new findings, set priorities and arrange work and collaboration
> by invitation: to work on something together, to have a conversation at the invitation of a network employee, to tackle bottlenecks

Professional employees are thus given room for freedom, involvement and responsibility. Practice matters what the best approach is for each individual project. Learning experience is incorporated in the redefinition of the working framework.

Be guided in installing ProjectTable-core teams.

If you want to work like this yourself, please contact me today. I support to quickly create an autonomous team for an important project and give helpful advice for the proper functioning.

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